Sunday, October 14, 2012

A baby, a baby!

Sorry for not updating sooner BUT--a baby, a baby...and they let me take her home!

PS was born Thursday, Oct 11, 2012 (yes, 10-11-12) at 508am.. We started laboring at 9pm the night before so it was a long labor but wen the the came (spoiler from the soon to be written birth story) 3 pushes and she was out!

7lbs 1oz
19in long
Perfect in every way


  1. eight hours of labor is NOTHING you lucky dog!!! although, when you're in it, it feels like an eternity. congratulations! can't wait for the birth story!

  2. Wahoo! Take your time, get back on your metaphorical and physical feet, and THEN give us the story. We'll be here. Enjoy your newest little! So excited!

  3. Oh my gosh, I'm so far behind! Congratulations!!!! So thrilled that all is well and that you're little one is here. So wonderful.


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