Sunday, January 15, 2012

A birthday

Today is my birthday...the last one before the big 3-0.  TH and I were talking last night about how different things are from this point last year.

January was a blur of baby showers, doctor's appointments, organizing and starting to slow down. We began trying to "fit in" all the things we knew would be more difficult once LM arrived.

Being able to have my darling little one wake me up by singing to himself in his crib was a great start to today. It is a great reminder that my life is no longer mine. Instead of the normal what do "I want" on my birthday, we still have the normal baby things to fit in. My SIL offered to babysit so we could go out if we wanted...but honestly, if we go out to eat, I want to take LM. I don't need anything fancy or elaborate this birthday...I just want to spend it with my family. Because this year starts something new and special.

Birthdays tend to be milestones or, to some people, negative reminders of getting old. What I realized this morning, is just how special a birthday really is. I get now while it was so important to my mom to see me on my birthday and make it special...because it was to her. I get it now. It's not about a "me day" or the presents. I see why it truly is a special day.

It also doesn't hurt that TH is changing all of the dirty diapers today :-)


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